Subcommittee Meeting (December 16, 2024)
Joint Teaching & Learning / Equity Meeting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with Ms. Connolly Mathematics Program Improvement ...
Joint Teaching & Learning / Equity Meeting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with Ms. Connolly Mathematics Program Improvement ...
Open forum, Superintendents Report, Old Business, Commissioner Murphy & Hines, Mr. Mullaney all covered in this 2023-2024 ...
Mullaney Talks about Budget and Finance -Ms. Quinn and Ms Vaughan Update K-5 Learning for ELA and Math -Marani and ...
The Committee Holds an open forum for residents of the City, most using the time to support the addition of Lunar New Year to the ...
Teaching and Learning: -Ms. Papile talks about social-emotional learning -Mr. Marani, Ms Quinn, Ms. Vaughan give Professional ...
The Quincy School Committee speak with Ms. Huwar about amending current language in the Health policy contracts for QPS.
The Quincy School Committee Discusses Sports with Kevin Mahoney and A.I. in the School System with Mr. Mariani. They also ...