State Representative Tackey Chan (3/26/2021)
State Representative Tackey Chan of Quincy talks about the Covid 19 vaccine rollout, and also discusses his involvement in a forum on anti Asian racism.
State Representative Tackey Chan of Quincy talks about the Covid 19 vaccine rollout, and also discusses his involvement in a forum on anti Asian racism.
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch speaks about school reopening and the new superintendent, an update on the coronavirus crisis, and plans for future development in Quincy Center. For the latest information from the City of Quincy, visit
Quincy City Clerk Nicole Crispo provides an update of the August 18th Board of License Commissioners meeting and a preview of the September 1st Primary Election. If you have questions about voting, call the Election Office at (617) 376-1144, or visit
State Representative Tackey Chan, D - MA, 2nd Norfolk District disusses pending legislation on Beacon Hill, the current economic climate in his district, and the ...
Quincy's Substance Use Prevention Coordinator Laura Martin explains the Tri Town Virtual Candlelight Vigil being held on August 31st at 7:00pm to remember ...
Quincy School Committee Vice Chairman Anthony Andronico explains the back to school plan that was voted on by the committee on August 13th. For the latest ...
Quincy Health Commissioner Ruth Jones comments on the new Covid 19 guidlines from the state and how they impact Quincy. To contact the Health ...