State Representative Tackey Chan (3/26/2021)
State Representative Tackey Chan of Quincy talks about the Covid 19 vaccine rollout, and also discusses his involvement in a forum on anti Asian racism.
State Representative Tackey Chan of Quincy talks about the Covid 19 vaccine rollout, and also discusses his involvement in a forum on anti Asian racism.
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch announces the cancellation of the annual Christmas Parade due to the pandemic, discusses the status of Quincy College, and ...
President of the Friends of the Blue Hills David Dobrindt chats about the mission of the group, how it's coping during the pandemic, and their Annual Celebration, ...
Mimi Balsamo of Stand Out for Black Lives Matter Quincy Group, Reverend Rebecca Froom of the United First Parish Church, and Pastor Mat Thomas of Bethel ...
Independent Candidate for the Norfolk/Plymouth Senate District Alexander Mendez of Quincy discusses his campaign and priorities for the future.
Senator John Keenan, D - MA Norfolk/Plymouth District provides an update on the state budget, eviction moratorium, and MBTA budget as it pertains to the ...
Quincy School Committee Vice Chairman Anthony Andronico provides an update on the hybrid learning model now that all students are able to be back in ...