Quincy Votes: September 2020

As part of our commitment to bringing you in depth coverage of Quincy’s elections, Quincy Access Television has offered to all candidates on the September primary election ballot, the opportunity to produce up to a five-minute message about their candidacy. Due to the pandemic, all messages were recorded remotely using Zoom. The following presentation of these messages reflects QATV’s commitment to bringing you the information you need to help you make an informed choice when you cast your ballot. If you would like to vote by mail in the September primary election, applications for mail-in ballots must be returned to the City Clerk’s Office by Wednesday, August 26th at 5pm. If you prefer to vote in person, Early Voting is also available. You can cast your ballot at North Quincy High School on Saturday, August 22nd and Sunday, August 23rd, from 9am to 4pm. You can also visit Quincy City Hall to cast your ballot from Monday, August 24th through Friday, August 28th, from 8:30am to 4:30pm. And of course, polls will be open on Election Day, Tuesday, September 1st, from 7am to 8pm. To find your polling place, or to find out more about your voting options, visit the City of Quincy website at QuincyMA.gov, or call the City Clerk’s Office at (617) 376-1144. And don’t forget to cast your vote!
