the New England Coast"
An interview with artist Wendy Adams. There will be a public reception on Saturday June 8th from 2pm to 3:30pm in the library's Coletti Fiction Room (first floor). All are welcome.
An interview with artist Wendy Adams. There will be a public reception on Saturday June 8th from 2pm to 3:30pm in the library's Coletti Fiction Room (first floor). All are welcome.
Violinist Robert Simonds will perform in the Richardson Room of the Thomas Crane Library on January 22nd as part of the library's Winter Concerts at the Crane series.
Anna Wingfield, art instructor at the Woodward School for Girls, and students Ally Gagne, Jody Serani and Destiny Joseph talk about the art work on display at the Thomas Crane Library throughout the month of January.
Author R. Marc Kantrowitz will be at the Thomas Crane Library on January 17th discussing his book "Old Whiskey and Young Women" as part of the library's Crime by the Book series.
Landscape photographer Fred Claflin talks about his work that will be on display at the Thomas Crane Library throughout the month of December.
QHS/NQHS Choral Director Tim Carew and choral students talk about the holiday concert to be held at the Thomas Crane Library on December 22nd.
Sally Owen (Environmental Treasures), Al Bina and Tom Bonomi (Quarry & Granite Workers Museum) talk about a three-part series to be held in December at the Thomas Crane Library.