Mayor Thomas Koch (11/17/2020)
In his weekly City Hall Update, Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch chats about the redevelopment of the Hancock Lot, the current state of the pandemic, and the ...
In his weekly City Hall Update, Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch chats about the redevelopment of the Hancock Lot, the current state of the pandemic, and the ...
Reverend Dr. Colleen Derr, President of Eastern Nazarene College speaks about the sale of the school and the future of the ...
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch responds to concerns about 2 statues proposed for the new police station. Koch also comments on a ...
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch provides an update on some events for the Quincy400 celebration this year, including a waterfront ...
Ban on federal grants, State House organization, Click Bait, and Lunar New Year events are some of the topics discussed in this ...
Quincy City Clerk Nicole Crispo provides a review of the January 28th Board of License Commissioners meeting, including the ...
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch reflects on his State of the City Address, comments on MBTA improvements, and speaks about the ...