May 20, 2019
Guest Jessica Pilkington from the Adams National Historic Park talks about the upcoming season and events.
Guest Jessica Pilkington from the Adams National Historic Park talks about the upcoming season and events.
On the 1000th episode of Currently in Quincy, guest Katelyn Szafir of the South Shore YMCA talks about the Y's new cancer support program.
Guests Ann Foresman and Jim Rougvie of the Quincy Tennis Club talk about the 132 year old club.
Guest Jessica Pilkington of the Adams National Historic Park talks about upcoming events, including the numerous July 4th activities.
Guests Shelly Dein (City of Quincy Energy & Sustainability Director) and Ahron Lerman (Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation) talk about a tree planting program available to residents in Germantown and parts of North Quincy.
Guests Sandra Sines and Lynda Southerland of the Quincy Animal Shelter talk the shelter, adopting cats and dogs, and some upcoming fundraising events.
Guest Richard DeCristofaro, Superintendent of Quincy Public Schools, provides a recap of the 2018-19 school year and preview of the 2019-20 school year.