March 29, 2021
Quincy Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Dave Murphy explains how the pandemic has impacted the city's outdoor spaces and how his ...
Quincy Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Dave Murphy explains how the pandemic has impacted the city's outdoor spaces and how his ...
Guest Tina Baptista from A Bed for Every Child discusses the organization, and Amy Kelly from the Quincy Credit Union talks about the bank's partnership and hosting of a bed building day.
Guest Sheila Wilson from Stop Healthcare Violence discusses the organization, its mission and an upcoming fundraiser.
Guest Jen Pearl of the Schiller Boston Community Chorus talks about the organization and an upcoming concert.
Guest Lori Earl talks about the "This Star Won't Go Out" fundraiser.
Guests Walter Hubley, David Finstein and Thomas Hardy discuss Porchfest Quincy 2019.
Guest Alice Brown of Boston Harbor Now discusses the organization and the upcoming ferry service from Squantum Point Park to Downtown Boston.