Jean Danton
Jean Danton has appeared throughout the United States and abroad on the oratorio, opera, musical theatre and concert stage.
Jean Danton has appeared throughout the United States and abroad on the oratorio, opera, musical theatre and concert stage.
Join cellist Yunwen Chen and pianist Elias Dagher for a conversation and preview of their upcoming Thomas Crane Public ...
A chat with cellist David Cabral, violinist Ashley Offret and pianist Beverly Soll about their upcoming performance at the Thomas ...
Praised for their "profound communication," and "thoughtful choices of timbre, articulation, dynamic contrast, and balance," Trio ...
A preview of a celebration of all things Gershwin. Ted Powers and Peter H. Bloom talk about the trio and highlight the upcoming ...
An interview previewing the April 21st 3-4pm concert at the Thomas Crane Public Library featuring pianist Wayman Chin.
An interview previewing the viola and piano concert at the Thomas Crane Public Library April 7, 2024 from 3pm-4pm.