Community Development Symposium
A preview of a Dec 5th 9:30 - 11:30am symposium focusing on building stronger communities through inclusion of persons with diverse-abilities.
A preview of a Dec 5th 9:30 - 11:30am symposium focusing on building stronger communities through inclusion of persons with diverse-abilities.
Lori Seegraber, head librarian at the Adams Shore library, talks about her recent African safari and her presentation to be held on June 5th at the Adams Shore branch of the Thomas Crane Library.
Artist Donna Friedman talks about her artwork that will be on exhibit at the Thomas Crane Library throughout the month of June.
A preview of the performance by the Brad Ellenberg Quintet, who recently performed as part of the Thomas Crane Library's Winter Concert Series. Look for the entire concert on QATV soon!
Author Dr. Kate Clifford Larson will be at the Thomas Crane Library on May 9th discussing her new book "Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter."
Author Chuck Collins will be at the Thomas Crane Library on May 15th discussing his new book "Born on Third Base."
Sally Owen (Quincy Environmental Treasures Program) and Irene Lutz (Quincycles) discuss "Caring For Planet Earth", a program to be held on April 18th at the Thomas Crane Library.