Christmas Tree Curbside Collection
The Quincy DPW will be collecting Christmas trees curbside from January 3rd to January 13th on your regular trash day.
The Quincy DPW will be collecting Christmas trees curbside from January 3rd to January 13th on your regular trash day.
A notice from the Quincy Department of Public Works regarding the change to the curbside collection schedule due to the Patriots' Day holiday.
The Quincy DPW announces the 2021 Spring Street Sweeping Schedule.
A notice from the Quincy Department of Public Works regarding the change to the curbside collection schedule due to the Presidents' Day holiday.
A notice from the Quincy Department of Public Works regarding the change to the curbside collection schedule due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday.
A notice from the Quincy Department of Public Works regarding the change to the curbside collection schedule due to the New Year's Day holiday.
A notice from the Quincy Department of Public Works regarding the change in the curbside collection schedule due to the Christmas Day holiday.