Christmas Tree Curbside Collection
The Quincy DPW will be collecting Christmas trees curbside from December 27h to January 7th on your regular trash day.
The Quincy DPW will be collecting Christmas trees curbside from December 27h to January 7th on your regular trash day.
Host John Sullivan interviews John Sullivan regarding the City of Quincy's Fall Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day scheduled for October 5th from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
QATV's Mark Crosby interviews John Sullivan, of the Quincy Department of Public Works, in this seasonal update.
QATV's Mark Crosby interviews John Sullivan, of the Quincy Department of Public Works, in this seasonal update.
A revision to the schedule for curbside collection of waste and recycling due to the Memorial Day holiday.
A revision to the schedule for curbside collection of waste and recycling due to the Patriots Day holiday.
A seasonal look at the Department of Public Works